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Travel Fee with special conditions for clients +60 years old and clients with reduced mobility.

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The confidence of CHAGAS, in the comfort of your home

Choose the date and time, and we'll come to you!

Good option for the elderly, pregnant women and people with mobility difficulties.

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  • Can someone else withdraw my results without proof and regardless of which exam they took?
    No. Only someone carrying the voucher can withdraw the results. Of course, there are exceptional cases that will be analyzed individually.
  • When I take the exams, will I be able to access them over the phone?"
    Regardless of whether the exam is carried out privately or through the health plan, the results can be collected in person, at our service units or here on our website. However, for ethical and safety reasons, in authorized cases only your doctor can contact and talk to our technical advisor to obtain your results.
  • Does the blood test always have to be fasting?
    Not all. The blood count, for example, fasting is not mandatory. The fasting blood glucose test is mandatory after 8 to 14 hours of fasting or according to medical advice.
  • Can any exam be done in the afternoon?
    No. But it is advisable to take it in moderation, excess interferes with urine tests
  • Why does it sometimes turn purple when blood is drawn?
    Some don't. This is the case of cortisol, iron and ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) measurements. These exams must be carried out in the morning. Reason: this is the part of the day when these substances peak in the body.
  • Why does it sometimes turn purple when blood is taken?
    This is called hematoma, it can occur in certain situations, such as: thin, delicate veins, with a lot of pressure; lack of good compression at the puncture site; and patient using any medication that alters blood clotting, including aspirin.
  • Can you take a blood test with the flu, cold or fever?
    Yes. Some tests, by the way, are requested precisely because the person has a fever. The intention is to check if an infection is responsible. However, in some circumstances, the disease responsible for the fever can interfere with tests designed to assess metabolic and immunological aspects. As a precaution, therefore, consult your physician or laboratory before taking the test.
  • Does food also interfere with cholesterol and triglycerides results?
    Yes, but mainly in triglycerides. For example, a person with high triglycerides who follows a strict diet the day before the test will have a falsely low result. On the other hand, someone with normal triglycerides, but who eats a feijoada the day before, will present a falsely high result.
  • How does the diet have to be for the triglyceride results to be reliable?
    You must maintain your usual food routine in the 5 days before the exams
  • What is the usual diet required by certain exams?
    It's what you usually eat in your daily life. Therefore, this instruction only means the following: do not change the feed.
  • Do drugs interfere with laboratory tests?
    Some, yes. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, for example, interfere with blood clotting tests, usually requested in the preoperative period. Therefore, at the time of consultation when the doctor requests the laboratory tests, talk to your doctor about the possibility of suspending it for a few days. If interruption is not possible, this data will have to be taken into account in the evaluation of the result. Whatever medications you are taking, notify the laboratory attendant prior to the test.
  • Can alcohol change test results?
    Yes, especially triglycerides. Therefore, the ideal is, before the exam, to stay three days without drinking any alcoholic beverage.
  • Does physical activity and/or physical exertion interfere with laboratory tests?
    Some, yes. For example, blood glucose and coagulation factor VIII tests, so much so that, before doing them, you cannot have undergone any physical effort. Also, remember: laboratory tests are standardized to be performed under ideal, well-defined conditions. It's what doctors call baseline conditions, as a result, tests performed after physical exertion will eventually have different values than you have. Therefore, the ideal is not to perform physical activities the day before the collection, depending on the type of physical effort, stay even more than a day without performing any activity.
  • Do vaginal creams interfere with urinalysis?
    No, as long as two precautions are taken not to mix these drugs with the urine: asepsis at the time of the exam and use of a vaginal tampon.
  • Can I have blood tests during my period? Does menstruation interfere with results?
    You can perform tests during the menstrual period, but menstruation interferes with the results of some tests, such as hormones and some serum proteins vary during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is essential that the doctor knows in which period of the cycle your exam was performed, in order to evaluate it in the best possible way.
  • Why should we disregard the first stream of urine when we are going to take the exam?
    The first stream of urine brings cells and secretion that may be present in the urethra, especially if there is an inflammatory and/or infectious process called urethritis. When you have a possible urinary tract infection, it is important that the material being examined is not "contaminated" with whatever is in the urethra. Hence the need to discard the first stream and collect the middle stream, that is, urine that represents the material in the bladder well.
  • What is Antibiogram?
    Antibiogram is a test whose purpose is to verify which are the most suitable antibiotics for the treatment of the infection caused by the bacteria isolated in the analyzed clinical material. Through this test, we know which antibiotics the bacteria are sensitive to and which are resistant.
  • To collect the stool test, does the person need to be fasting?
    No. It also doesn't have to be the first bowel movement of the day, you can collect any time.



Rua Barão de Cotegipe, 623 - Center

47800-071 | Barriers - BA    | Brazil


Rua Francisco Mariano, s/nº - Center

CEP 47.900-000 - Cotegipe - Ba | Brazil

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